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Our Church of the Month;

Recognized for Achievements

SERVICES // 2 (Missions Committee)
Chairman: Rev. Jack Morgan



SERVICES // 3 (WIC Committee)
Chairman: Mrs. Connie Chronister​
SERVICES // 4 (GYC Committee)
The mission of the Gospel Youth Crusaders of the AIGA within the Kingdom of God young disciples of Jesus Christ: To equip and train these young crusaders to go and be witnesses of Jesus Christ as prescribed in Acts 1:8.  Therefore the purpose of the GYC is to equip and train pastors, youth pastors, youth leaders, youth congregations and older congregations to disciple young people and to win young people to Jesus Christ.  Our vision is to develop a network of leaders throughout the AIGA to implement youth activities with their realm of responsibility or geographical area.  To develop training curriculums to help our children's church leaders, youth pastors and young adult leaders to train their young people.  To build a Bible College or Institute to equip our children's church leaders, youth pastors and young adult leaders to win souls and disciple their young people.  We will re-institute the GYC Team Leaders and Members to help build the network of leaders and youth congregations.

Chairman: Rev. Kenneth Winford

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